Mastering Visual Arts and Photography - Presented by Erica Benson

Posted By: Monnaie C. Pepin Fun 'N Sun Updates,
Crafting Your Creative Vision, Illuminating Techniques, and Professional Strategies

This is a comprehensive presentation focusing on various aspects of visual arts and photography. It begins by guiding you on establishing your 'Visual Vibe', helping you determine the kind of art you want to put out into the world. It then explores the interplay between light and color, illuminating how lighting affects color and detail in flowers. The presentation also emphasizes creating quality content, providing strategies to deliver value to clients with 30 days’ worth of creative content strategies.

The session also includes a live photo demonstration, giving practical, hands-on experience. Finally, the presentation wraps up with equipment recommendations from a professional photographer, ensuring you're well-equipped to create stunning visuals.

Fun 'N Sun Registration will open at the end of May