Photo Contest: Furry Friends With Florals

Posted By: Jordan Richardson Industry News,

CalFlowers is hosting a photo contest for our members!

In celebration of florals and our favorite furry friends, we are calling for 
pictures of your pets with florals in the design studio, flower fields, or other
florally inspired places. Winning entries will be featured in the upcoming
membership directory, CalFlowers' social channels, and website.
A final winner will be awarded with a full 2026 Fun 'N Sun registration,
print of their photo, and their pet will be named "Employee of the Month". Please submit your entry or multiple entries by September 30, 2024. 

By submitting a photo, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions outlined below.

Submit Your Photo(s)

CalFlowers Photo Competition Usage Rights Agreement

By submitting a photo to the CalFlowers Photo Competition, you (the "Participant") agree to the following terms and conditions regarding the usage rights of the submitted photos:

  1. Grant of Rights:

    • By entering this competition, you grant CalFlowers and its affiliates, licensees, and assigns, an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, display, and create derivative works of your submitted photos in any media now known or hereafter developed.
    • This grant includes the right to use the photos for promotional, marketing, advertising, and educational purposes related to CalFlowers, without further notice or compensation to you.
  2. Moral Rights:

    • You waive any moral rights you may have in the photos, and you agree not to assert any rights that may limit or restrict the uses permitted under this agreement.
  3. Ownership and Attribution:

    • You retain ownership of the copyright in the photos. CalFlowers will, where practical, credit you as the photographer when the photos are used, but the absence of such credit will not be considered a breach of this agreement.
    • You confirm that you are the original creator and owner of the submitted photos and that the photos do not infringe upon the rights, including copyright, of any third party.
  4. Usage Scope:

    • The granted rights include, but are not limited to, the use of the photos on websites, social media platforms, print and digital publications, advertisements, presentations, promotional materials, and any other format or media used by CalFlowers.
    • CalFlowers may crop, alter, or edit the photos as necessary for the intended use, provided that the essence of the original image is maintained.
  5. Legal Compliance:

    • You represent and warrant that the photos do not violate any laws, including those relating to privacy, publicity, and intellectual property, and that you have obtained any necessary permissions or releases from any identifiable individuals featured in the photos.
  6. Release and Indemnification:

    • You release and hold harmless CalFlowers, its affiliates, licensees, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use of your submitted photos.
    • You agree to indemnify and defend CalFlowers against any claims arising from the breach of this agreement or the rights granted herein.
  7. Termination:

    • This agreement shall not terminate and shall remain in full force and effect for as long as CalFlowers uses the photos in accordance with the granted rights.

Acknowledgment and Agreement

By submitting a photo to the competition, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.